33-year-old Sienna Kitchen frequently uses the online aliases of “KatsRants,” “Kittywaffen1488” or other variations of “Kat” or “Katherine “and is a particularly unhinged bit of neo-Nazi nastiness. She is very active in online white nationalist circles as well as engaging in on-the-ground Nazi activism. Originally from Mesa, Arizona, Kitchen was a vegan “Maid 4 Trump” six years ago who cleaned houses for a living and attended MAGA rallies.
Kitchen currently works in the produce department at a Publix store located in Nashville’s Melrose area, which is within walking distance of the duplex she rents with Curnutte. On Reddit, Kitchen stated her coworkers at Publix raised close to $8,000 for the couple and her boss prepared meals for her.
Sienna Kitchen lives with fellow GDL member Matthew Curnutte.