GDL and Blood Tribe’s Tech Backers

On 9/2/23, the Goyim Defense League and Blood Tribe held a march in Orlando, Florida where 55 neo-Nazis waved swastika flags and expressed their intent cleanse the United States of Jewish, LGBTQ+, and people of color.

Both groups are supported by tech companies who provide critical services that allow them to organize and fund their neo-Nazi activism, including campaigns of harassment, intimidation, and extreme religious, ethnic, and racial hatred.

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Goyim Defense League Member Christopher Acret (Cohasset, CA)

Christopher Acret of Cohasset, CA is a pro-KKK Goyim Defense League neo-nazi active in Chico, CA and likely the broader Butte/Shasta County area. Acret was first exposed by a report from anewscafe covering his antisemitic fliering of a Jewish Chico state professor’s yard with neo-nazi propaganda and past Chico Proud Boy affiliation. The article tied Christopher Acret to GDL fliering in the area, and showed his past membership in the Chico Proud Boys.

Christopher Acret works for Craig Acret Construction and Keefer Farm Stand. He drives a White 1995 Nissan Pickup.

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