GDL Member List: Meet the Goyim Defense League and Associates

In a collaborative effort between @LateNightAFA, @SCResearchClub and others, we present the ultimate #NameTheBozoTour GDL Member List with 90+ identifications of Goyim Defense League members and associates.

Last month the GDL thought it would be a great idea to terrorize Nashville with a racist & antisemitic “Name the Nose Tour.” In turn, antifascists have been diligently identifying these perpetrators of hate in their own “Name the Bozo Tour.”


We think that yelling slurs at small children and getting your own arrested might not be the best way to win people over. But don’t just take our word for it; there are plenty of local reports as well as commentary from other nazis on the subject. Involvement in the GDL appears to bring nothing but legal issues and unemployability. The only ones who benefit are at the top clamoring for attention and merch sales, who will abandon their own if it is inconvenient for their streaming schedule.

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GDL Staying at Scottsville, KY Rental Property

The neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League has been harassing and assaulting Nashville residents since Saturday as part of their 6th “Name The Nose Tour.” About 20 members of the hate group have traveled across the US and Canada to attend this event and are staying in a vacation rental property at 6233 New Glasgow Rd, Scottsville, KY and are driving a 15 Person White Chevy Express van with Florida plates: DZJ J78

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GDL and Blood Tribe’s Tech Backers

On 9/2/23, the Goyim Defense League and Blood Tribe held a march in Orlando, Florida where 55 neo-Nazis waved swastika flags and expressed their intent cleanse the United States of Jewish, LGBTQ+, and people of color.

Both groups are supported by tech companies who provide critical services that allow them to organize and fund their neo-Nazi activism, including campaigns of harassment, intimidation, and extreme religious, ethnic, and racial hatred.

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