Sean Gugerty of Tuscon, AZ is a member of the neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League and the creator of the white supremacist Telegram group “Heeb Watch.”
Sean Gugerty runs the GTV Flyers website, which provides Nazi activists antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ+, and white supremacist flyers to litter communities with.
Sean Gugerty was first identified by Arizona Right Watch in 2022 for his involvement in distributing antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ GDL flyers around Tuscon. Gugerty was later seen protesting Chabad of South Orlando in February 2023 alongside other GDL members.
After being identified at the Orlando Nazi rally, Gugerty bragged about it on his “Heeb Namer” Nazi Telegram channel.
Gugerty said he is a penetration tester and full stack developer, but has transitioned to trucking.
Sean Gugerty claims to run the GTV Flyers website, which provides Nazi activists with flyer graphics to litter communities with:
Gugerty has also provided explicit instructions on how to litter communities with the GDL’s hate flyers: