Philip Matthew Jacobs AKA “Mr. Catfish Jankins” (Bremen, GA)

two photos of philip matthew jacobs. a member of the neo-nazi organization Goyim Defense League

Read More From NessieNails and Atlanta Antifascists

Philip Matthew Jacobs of Bremen, GA is an active member of the neo-Nazi organization Goyim Defense League. In January, 2022, Philip and his wife Hilary Jacobs were charged with littering distributing GDL flyers in Georgia from a white Mazda sedan. The couple participated in an antisemitic demonstration outside the East Cobb Synagogue on June 24, 2023, as well as the 2024 Nashville “Name The Nose” hate tour. Philip runs a regular neo-Nazi livestream show on the GDL’s livestreaming platform.

Philip Jacobs protesting the East Cobb Synagogue in 2023.
Hillary and Philip Jacobs in Tennessee for the 2024 “Name The Nose” hate tour.

Philip Jacobs was Jon Minadeo’s right-hand man during this clown car road trip. Jacobs and Minadeo grilled out together on their first night, providing antifascists a first look at the home they had rented for their stay.

Jacobs’s role as cameraman means he wasn’t as visible as others on livestreams, but he’s clearly visible in this still from coverage on News Channel 5.

His wife, Hilary Akin Jacobs aka Mrs. Catfish, was an enthusiastic participant. She’s shown in this video clip from Saturday 7/14, GDL’s first full day in town, preparing flyers to be dropped in Nashville.

Nashville hates your flyers, losers.

Author: cospringsantifa

Exposing fascists and disrupting their organizing in so-called Colorado.