Jeffrey Allen Kidder AKA “UNC” and “MRUNCLESEMITE” (Kenosha, WI)

Three photos of Jeffrey Allen Kidder

Jeffrey Allen Kidder is a member of the neo-Nazi organization Goyim Defense League. In 2022, Kidder was arrested for littering Kenosha, WI with antisemitic GDL flyers. Kidder was again arrested for littering Port St. Lucie, FL with GDL flyers in June, 2023. Kidder uses the aliases UNC and MRUNCLESEMITE online.

Kidder is a part of the GDL leadership’s inner-circle.

Jeffrey Kidder participated in the GDL’s protest of the East Cobb Synagogue near Atlanta, GA on June 24, 2023.

Jeffrey Kidder outside the East Cobb Synagogue, wearing a GDL jersey.

Members of a private GDL telegram chat outted Kidder as the prolific admin UNC.

Kidder is currently an admin of the GDL’s current private Telegram chat room W.A.R. 4.0 Chat.

Kidder banning a user from the private GDL chat.
Jeffrey Kidder’s Telegram profile.

Author: cospringsantifa

Exposing fascists and disrupting their organizing in so-called Colorado.