On Saturday, a woman who goes by “Hungarian Erika“ on Telegram joined members of the GDL (and likely also WLM CA) in dropping antisemitic banners over the 405 freeway.
Today, we’re posting her real identity.
(Content Warning: Neo-nazi propaganda and bigoted slurs)

Turns out, “Hungarian Erika” isn’t just Hungarian— her name is actually Erika.
Erika Ostrove, also known as Erika Suveg (her maiden name, though she’s divorced) lives in Westwood, CA.
Erika previously lived in both San Diego CA and the Inland Empire.
Note that “Hungarian Erika” used to go by “J.J. J” on Telegram, as some of the following screenshots will show that username.
Also note that these pictures of Erika are a decade or more old (but we’re working with what we’ve got).

“Hungarian Erika” Ostrove is a member of, and active participant in, both White Lives Matter California’s public and private chats where she regularly makes racist and antisemitic comments, shamelessly praises neo-nazis half her age and brags about targeting journalists.

Erika Ostrove is also a member of multiple GDL chats.
According to her Gab profile, where she goes by “CaliforniaHasFallen” (erikacalifornia), her favorite channel is GDL’s streaming platform.
Naturally, she uses the dumpster-fire that is Gab to spread (spam) racist propaganda. 

The vanity URL for Erika’s Facebook is the same as her Gab handle: erikacalifornia.

After news broke that the GDL streamer and attention-seeking hatemonger “Aryan Bacon” had assaulted his neighbor and was subsequently charged with a hate crime, Erika expressed sympathy for who she believed was the real victim: Robert Frank Wilson, because he had been “doxxed”.

In the image above, you’ll see that just a month prior, Erika had actively participated in an attempt to doxx two community members whom Wilson had been very aggressive toward when they spotted him and Robert Wheldon, WLM CA admin and SoCal Active Club leader, hanging a banner.
This Telegram comment is just one of many, many horrible posts “Hungarian Erika” has made.
For someone who espouses such hateful and bigoted views, one would think that Erika Ostrove would be a little more mindful about opsec…
But, noooo.

Erika not only shared exactly which neighborhood she lives in, but also pictures of flyers that were mailed to her address— with the address label fully visible.
We even put more effort than she did into obscuring her address before posting, but then again she didn’t even bother.

Again, things we knew because she told us: On Telegram and Gab, and especially on Yelp.
Erika pushed both pretty hard
On YouTube, Erika, posting as “CommieforniaGirl”, chimed in on the comments section of Johnny Benitez’s “I lost muh guns!” video, offering some less-than-sound legal advice to those who choose not to renew their CCW permits but continue to carry a firearm anyway.
On Yelp, a handful of Johnny’s supporters took action— including “Esmerelda G”.
It didn’t go unnoticed that “Esmerelda G” has a noticeably similar style of online ranting to “Hungarian Erika”.
(This is the most tame negative review from that account. The rest are pretty unhinged)
Erika’s reviews on this account are a stunning display of an entitled white woman in the wild— especially the one that begins with “Yesterday, I was thrown out of this Microsoft store…”
Archived reviews from “Esmerelda G” here:
The “Esmeralda G” account also includes reviews and friends that are based in the Inland Empire, some in the exact area tha “Hungarian Erika” Ostrove grew up.
There are other matches found in the details of the posts: Her current neighborhood, her car and her past profession…
…but one review from Erika’s “Esmerelda G” account stood out: Her post about
Not only is the writing style nearly identical to “Hungarian Erika”, but the incredibly racist remark about LAUSD students sounded a lot like comments Erika had previously made on Telegram.
“Hungarian Erika” had mentioned in two separate chats that she’s a former teacher (turned substitute teacher) for LAUSD, and that not only will she not go back to teaching, she wouldn’t even consider subbing a class because, well, she’s that racist.
Erika Ostrove is a credentialed teacher.
Luckily, her certification has been expired for 4 years and she is no longer working with children, but she was teaching for some time while holding horribly racist views about the children in her class.
Back in September 2021, Erika admitted to having placed racist White Lives Matter stickers around her area.
If her Yelp reviews are any indication, she rarely leaves the 2-mile radius around her home, so there’s a good chance these went up in Westwood, very near UCLA.
We don’t know if Erika distributed these flyers in Westwood, CA, but we do know that this happened the day after she participated in a banner drop with the group responsible for the flyers— and that just two weeks prior she admitted to contributing to a collection of GDL flyers.
In addition to stickering (and possibly flyering), Erika Ostrove has been seen participating in not only the banner drop with GDL on 10/22/22, but also in banner drops and propaganda shoots with White Lives Matter CA and So Cal Active Club on 7/4/22 and 8/10/22.
Erika also “went undercover” and attended a far-right protest on 9/4/22 to stalk journalists– and blew her cover when she posted video clips she’d filmed that included her reflection (Editor’s note: video is no longer available).
“Hungarian Erika” Ostrove has been posting a lot about the recent neo-nazi banner drop she participated in.
She’s proud of it.
It seemed like a good time to make sure her name is attached to all of the racist activities she’s been participating in.