Devin Brosnahan AKA “Levi Savage” (Augusta, GA)

two photos of augustus medical technician devin brosnahan

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Devin Daniel Brosnahan is a neo-Nazi leader in Augusta, Georgia. Under the alias “Levi Savage,” Brosnahan leads the Georgia chapter of White Lives Matter. Last year, we appealed for information on “Levi” after we had identified Hunter Forsyth as another White Lives Matter administrator. Now, we can explain how we identified “Levi” while outlining his racist and antisemitic activity with White Lives Matter and other groups. Brosnahan works as an emergency medical technician, an alarming job for a committed and active neo-Nazi. Brosnahan has targeted communities with antisemitic GDL flyers.

Author: cospringsantifa

Exposing fascists and disrupting their organizing in so-called Colorado.