Devin Robert Murdock AKA “dr murdock”, “Aged2Perfection” (Westminster, CO)

Read more from Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists

Devin Robert Murdock (53) is a neo-Nazi living with his parents in Westminster, CO who has covered the Denver Metro area with thousands of racist and antisemitic flyers. Devin is affiliated with the neo-Nazi organizations Goyim Defense League and 14 First. Devin also participates in prisoner support Nazis caught up in the legal system for “criminal racist crimes.”

Devin is involved in the ferret and reptile communities in the Denver area.

Lucas Martin (Lone Tree, CO)

Lucas James Martin is a neo-Nazi living in Lone Tree, CO. Born in 1993, he is either 25 or 26 years old, and for the past seven years, has worked as a barista at the nearby King Soopers Starbucks on Holly St. in Centennial. Lucas is affiliated with the former Traditionalist Workers Party (now known as Black Shirts for Social Credit) as well as the Goyim Defense League.

Additional information about Lucas James Martin can be found here

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Joseph Eugene Bounds AKA “Joey Bounds” (Denver, CO)

Joseph (Joey) A Bounds is a 31 year old active Neo-Nazi, flat earther living in Denver. Joey is a regular at the fascist protests of LGBTQIA+ events at Mile High Comics, distributes holocaust denial flyers around the Front Range, and travels with the Goyim Defense League on interstate hate bus tours.

Joey’s address in Denver can be found here.

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Vincent & Briana Bertinelli (Walsenburg, CO)

Vincent Bertinelli

Vincent Bertinelli is a 33 year old Neo-Nazi who lives with his wife Briana and 4 children in Walsenburg, Colorado. Vincent and Briana have made their living taking care of people with disabilities in their home for All Friends, Inc, but it is unclear if they still work for the company after moving to southern Colorado.

Vinny and Brianna’s current address can be found here.

Vincent runs a series of National-Socialist propaganda channels called “Peaceful Pogrom” under the pseudonym “Vinny Goyschild”

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