Via 3 Rivers Antifascists. Read more at Rogue’s Gallery
Meet Brandon Lang Cahall, age 52. Brandon is a Pittsburgh based slumlord who spends his spare time waving KKK flags and swastikas, creating and distributing nazi propaganda, and posting hate content online. He is a self-described fascist, according to his Gab profile. Brandon is the leader of the White Lives Matter (WLM) PA chapter, and an active member of the Goyim Defense League (GDL).
A printable flyer to warn the Pittsburgh community about Brandon Cahall can be found here.
Brandon is a very active neo-nazi organizer. In the past year alone, he has organized nazi rallies at the Hot Metal Bridge and Station Square in Pittsburgh. He has also traveled from Pittsburgh to Sunbury, PA; Scranton, PA; Indiana, PA; North Olmstead, OH; and Howell, MI to help network white supremacists across the rust belt region and encourage them to get off the internet and into the streets.
You may find yourself reading the above paragraphs, staring at the above photos of this very average and unremarkable looking man, and wonder, “is he actually a nazi, though? That’s a pretty intense label to give someone. Surely in the Year of Our Lord 2024, we don’t have Hitler-worshiping nazis living in our neighborhood.” That question is valid, and Brandon has left no room for misinterpretation.

On July 20th, 2024, Brandon traveled to Howell, MI where he helped organize a white supremacist rally and march. He proudly stood shoulder to shoulder with people throwing nazi salutes, people waving flags emblazoned with the swastika and ku klux klan logo, and people holding banners boldly proclaiming, “JEWS CONTROL THE MEDIA.” Make no mistake, dear reader – Brandon Cahall dreams of a world where he gets to actively participate in genocide.

You may be wondering, how do we know that Brandon was in Howell that day? Another valid question, dear reader. Brandon’s car was photographed in Howell, MI on July 20th, parked in a lot that the nazis used as a meeting location before their march on the courthouse.

How do we know that is Brandon’s car? Well, first and foremost, we’ve seen him driving it. But you don’t have to take our word for it. According to publicly available data, Brandon lives at 15 Gerwig Street, Pittsburgh PA 15209. This is also where he is registered to vote.
That Mercedes lives outside of 15 Gerwig when Brandon isn’t driving it.

While an image of nazis about to load up Brandon’s car with supplies is a bit of a smoking gun, Brandon left quite a trail of breadcrumbs besides that. Remember the racist and antisemitic banners pictured above?

Those banners belong to Brandon.
Pittsburgh locals may be familiar with Brandon from the WLM rally (although it is generous to call 5 people a rally) at the Hot Metal Bridge on May 15th, 2024.

Brandon doesn’t particularly like to shit where he eats. He’s traveled out of the city more than he’s hosted rallies in Pittsburgh so far. That being said, as of the release of this document, one of his most recent rallies was held at Station Square on August 10th, 2024.

The rhetoric and symbols used by WLM in Pittsburgh are much less inflammatory than ones we’ve seen in other cities. They use dog whistles like “white replacement theory” and fly “white pride worldwide” flags, because that’s a lot less dangerous than openly flying a swastika. They’re afraid of the confrontation that may result from openly flying a swastika or KKK flags in Pittsburgh, but make no mistake – if they felt like they could get away with it, they would.

That weekend, the same group of chucklefucks decided to take to the Allegheny County jail (ACJ) trail and do “outreach”. They took video of themselves distributing food and water to houseless people living at the ACJ camp. Make no mistake, this was not some sort of confusing act of altruism from our local nazi and his associates. Outreach workers who actually have relationships with people living outside spoke with residents of the ACJ camp. Residents of the camp did not know that they were being filmed. It’s disgusting enough to use the distribution of basic human necessities like water and food as a propaganda piece, but to do so without the consent of the people featured in the video is an extremely gross invasion of their privacy.

Whoever edited the video posted to the WLM PA telegram channel took the time to blur out all of the faces, tattoos and other identifying features of WLM members. They didn’t care to anonymize the faces or tattoos of people living on the trail. This demonstrates a complete lack of thought or care about the people they claim to be helping.
People present on the trail that day went on to say that WLM did not identify themselves as being with any group. Maybe they knew that residents wouldn’t appreciate a group of nazis rolling up on them. People living at the camp also confirmed that WLM only distributed food, water, and hygiene products to white people. This is their nazi rhetoric put into action. Brandon and his cronies literally believe that only white people have a right to basic human necessities and when given the opportunity, they will actively withhold food, water, and hygiene products from people of color.

Another extremely concerning aspect of this video is that WLM advertised it as a collaborative effort between WLM and Patriot Front (PF). PF is another white nationalist organization that was formed when several members of Vanguard America (VA) splintered off after VA was associated with the murder of Heather Hyer at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. PF has a long history of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic violence.
To quickly summarize the other boots on the ground actions he’s helped organize and attended in 2023, we have:
Sunbury, PA on February 17th, 2024.
Besides the blatantly racist banner, you can see a black Celtic cross in a white circle on a red background. The Celtic cross itself isn’t a racist symbol, but this iteration of it is commonly used by white supremacists. The color scheme of the flag is also a clear reference to the German swastika flag.

North Olmstead, Ohio on June 15th, 2024.
Brandon and his cronies traveled to North Olmstead on June 15th to take advantage of the recent death of a 3 year old boy. They attributed the senseless death of Julian Wood to racist nonsense.

These actions are small, and most of them happen pretty quickly. The ones in Pittsburgh lasted only around 15 minutes. It is easy to laugh at how few of his fellow nazis he can turn out. It is easy to write them off as cowards when they wave their flags and do their 15 minute photo op and run away. Brandon’s goal is to build the white supremacist community in PA and surrounding states to the point that they can turn out numbers and they don’t have to tuck their tails and run after 15 minutes.
Brandon’s activism is geared towards getting those quick clips of fascists looking “hard” so that he can post about it online and encourage other white supremacists to step out of the shadows and join him. For every video he puts out, he can say, “I marched down the street proudly declaring my white supremacy, and nobody stopped me. You can too.”
This man is a threat to his neighbors and community. While his immediate goal is to just get more white supremacists comfortable in the streets, he openly admits to spending several hours a day thinking about killing people, and claims to dream about murder when he sleeps.

These confessions of violent fantasies are even more concerning when we consider who Brandon has been seen fraternizing with. One of the nazis who happened to be identified at the Howell, MI march is a convicted burglar.

Even when he’s not out marching in the streets, Brandon spends a lot of his spare time finding other ways to spread his hateful messaging. Brandon has posted many pictures and videos on his Gab featuring him printing stickers and propaganda at his home.
For a home operation, this man has printed a shitload of propaganda. He openly has boasted on Gab that as of February, he has printed over 100,000 stickers and flyers.
These stickers range in grotesqueness from pretty dull and lame bullshit about white replacement theory, to meme-ified stickers of Hitler.

If you’ve ever seen a racist sticker on a light post along the Heinz Heritage or Eliza Furnace trail, odds are Brandon put it there. He’s always posting on Gab about jumping on his E-bike and slapping up stickers.

Despite putting up as many stickers and distributing as many flyers as he can in the Pittsburgh area, he’s not just defiling our sidewalks and bridges with his filth. Brandon’s house is packed full of propaganda that he ships to other nazis around the country so that they can spread hate in their communities.

Stay vigilant outdoors, and keep your eyes peeled for a man in his 50s riding a black, fattire Wallke E-bike.

This man has embraced hate because he is the height of mediocrity. He needs to tell himself that he is a member of the master race and that it is his right to rule over all of us because he cannot cope with how little he has achieved in 50 years. Brandon’s current crowning achievements in life are making over 9,000 posts on Gab, and being an absentee slumlord.

Brandon Cahall is a mediocre, angry, unsuccessful man who is utterly dedicated to bigotry and hatred. A small, lonely man who is reaching out to other small, lonely, angry men and looking to fill the void in their lives with violence. He has managed to get this far in his white supremacist organizing because he has mainly operated in the shadows. This dossier was written to bring his actions to light and call on our fellow Pittsburghers
to show Brandon that the Steel City has no place for nazis.
The unfortunate reality is that white supremacist and nationalist organizing of many stripes is alive and well, especially here in south western Pennsylvania. These people seek to dominate and subjugate others. They actively work to guide young men with legitimate grievances towards violence and genocidal politics. The bad news is that they are pretty good at preying on young, angry men.
The good news is that they are deeply outnumbered. There are far more of us than there are of them. But we risk sliding towards fascism and authoritarianism when we sit on the sidelines and refuse to act. So, what are you going to do about this?