Ryan Messano (Solano County, CA)

Read More from Left Coast Right Watch and It’s Going Down

Ryan Messano is a resident of Solano County and is a member of the neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League. Messano has leveraged public comment blocks at several city council meetings across Northern California to attack Jews and LGBTQ+ people.

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Devin Brosnahan AKA “Levi Savage” (Augusta, GA)

Read more from Atlanta Antifascists

Devin Daniel Brosnahan is a neo-Nazi leader in Augusta, Georgia. Under the alias “Levi Savage,” Brosnahan leads the Georgia chapter of White Lives Matter. Last year, we appealed for information on “Levi” after we had identified Hunter Forsyth as another White Lives Matter administrator. Now, we can explain how we identified “Levi” while outlining his racist and antisemitic activity with White Lives Matter and other groups. Brosnahan works as an emergency medical technician, an alarming job for a committed and active neo-Nazi. Brosnahan has targeted communities with antisemitic GDL flyers.

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Daniel Howard McGinnis (Palm Coast, FL)

Read more from The Daytona Beach News-Journal

Daniel Howard McGinnis (DOB 10/25/1987) was arrested alongside Jeremy Todd Imbler for antisemitic graffiti and stickers near Jewish places of worship in Ormond Beach, FL in December, 2021. Imbler was active in GDL Telegram chats, tying these antisemitic attacks to the neo-Nazi hate group.

A charging affidavit, which includes McGinnis’ Ormond Beach address as of 2021, can be found here.

Jeremy Todd Imbler AKA “Barry McCockiner”, “OrmondBeachNazi” (Ormond Beach, FL)

Read more from The Daytona Beach News-Journal

Jeremy Todd Imbler (DOB 09/05/1985) was arrested alongside Daniel Howard McGinnis for antisemitic graffiti and stickers near Jewish places of worship in Ormond Beach, FL in December, 2021. Jeremy Todd Imbler was a member of a semi-private GDL Telegram chat where he discussed the arrest under his username @OrmondBeachNazi.

A charging affidavit, which includes Imbler’s Ormond Beach address as of 2021, can be found here.

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Samuel David Nine AKA “Humungus” / “Fog Cardinal (Mesa, AZ / FL)

Samuel David Nine is a member of the neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League and has participated in GDL activism in Florida. Nine has ties to Arizona and his LinkedIn profile states that he lives in the state, but he seems to be consistently active in Florida. Continue reading “Samuel David Nine AKA “Humungus” / “Fog Cardinal (Mesa, AZ / FL)”

Aron Garth Sides AKA “Aron Schweitzer” (Liberty Hill, TX)

Reposted from Bastards Drop Down Dead AFA and Garfield But Anti-Fascist (Update)

Hello everyone! Some of you may remember an incident in November where a man putting up neo-Nazi flyers in Austin, Tx allegedly peppersprayed a teenager. Today we’d like to introduce that man as GDL member Aron Garth Sides (sometimes spelled “Aron”) of Liberty Hill, Texas.

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