Contributed by Antichud
#Florida Goyim Defense League (GDL) Nazi unmask featuring Goth Waffen aka Amanda Sue Onger, 39yo, DOB August 1983.
Amanda participated in the 2024 Nashville GDL “Name The Nose” hate tour.
Welcome to the light Amanda. Here’s your 40th birthday present and some advice, be a better role model to your kids.
Goth_Waffen has been spotted with the usual GDL crew at a number of hate events in Florida and Georgia. What was memorable are her numerous tattoos and “Goth Waffen 88” GDL jersey she wears. (She sometimes wears a tattoo print long sleeve shirt, left pic)
While she is known to wear wigs, long sleeve tattoo print shirts, and large sunglasses, her face tattoos are readily identifiable.
1 Wig
2 Right side jawline: “Really?”, Right side neck: rose
3 Left side jawline: “Whatever!”
4 Left neck: puzzle piece
We found a bunch of accounts sprouting up with varying iterations of “Goth_Waffen” and started to investigate.
Some examples of her hate… Note: Amanda loves to write 1488.
14 Words
88 Heil Hateler
Here is a dive into what those numbers mean.
What is the meaning behind the nazi slogan “14 words”?
Semi deep dive.
1. Origin
2. Inspiration
3. The Order
4. The 2 slogans
5. 14881/9
— ᴀɴᴛɪᴄʜᴜᴅ™ ⭐️ (@antichud) April 25, 2022
And more hate…
Amanda Onger and her crew flashing the moronic sieg heil.
Amanda Onger and her GDL crew travel all over Florida and Georgia to distribute hate flyers.
Amanda Onger and her GDL crew travel all over Florida and Georgia to distribute hate flyers.
— ᴀɴᴛɪᴄʜᴜᴅ™ ⭐️ (@antichud) August 1, 2023
Alright, enough of that disgusting garbage… who is the person behind the hate?
Demonabraun led to demona_mrder / Demona Murder led to Amanda:
Lets look closer at the demona_mrder account “my real name is Amanda”
Amanda posts about being a pet groomer. It didn’t take long to get a last name from there. (Innocent faces covered as well as the business name as she is no longer working there.)
Amanda loves wrestling, but I’m pretty sure the wrestling community doesn’t like Nazi’s. You might find her buying/selling wrestling memorabilia and figurines too, she’s got a lot.